Front Desk Volunteers
Help us serve our community effectively by working at our front desk! Duties include answering phones, assisting community members at the front desk, and potentially assisting with mailings as needed when the office manager cannot be in the office. Please call 717-243-3818 or email for more details.
SA/RCS Hotline Volunteers
Make a difference in our community and become a victim advocate! Sexual Assault/Rape Crisis Services of Cumberland County offers a 40-hour training for members of the community to become rape crisis advocates. There are typically two trainings conducted each year.
The training will prepare you to counsel clients on the 24-hour crisis hotlines, and to accompany victims, provide emotional support and advocate for their rights throughout medical and legal proceedings. The training is free for participants who commit to fulfilling the minimum required volunteer term. PA criminal background, child abuse and FBI clearances are required. Please call 717-243-3818, complete the volunteer interest form below, or email for details on the next training session!
Event/Program Volunteers
We often need extra help from volunteers for our events and annual programs. Duties may include set-up/teardown, running a registration or info table, childcare, and more depending on your interest! Fill out the form below to have volunteer opportunities sent directly to your inbox!
Volunteer contact form
Board of Directors
Download YWCA-Board Application
Download qualifications and expectations information.
The Board of Directors for YWCA Carlisle and Cumberland County serves as a volunteer governance and fundraising arm of the organization. Board members reflect a variety of leaders across the region and share their time and talent at monthly meetings, serving on committees, attending agency programs and fundraisers and being Goodwill Ambassadors in the community to promote the mission work of YWCA. If you are interested in serving on the Board of Director’s please complete an application and forward to Considering becoming a board member? Here are some things to consider…
Is this the right cause and organization for me? Before applying to join a Board, first ask yourself whether you are truly passionate about the type of work that the organization does and the people it serves. Approach this decision as if you were planning to make a major donation. As a Board member, you’ll be investing not only month but time and energy as well.
Is this the right time in my life to join a Board? Consider your current circumstances, and ask yourself if this is a good time in your life to become involved with a Board. If not, would participating on a committee or volunteering better fit with your current goals and schedule?
What can, and will I, contribute to this Board? What skills, contacts, and perspectives do I have that will be useful to this organization? How, specifically, will the Board use what I can bring? Consider first what you bring to the table and then whether you are willing to give that to the organization. If you can’t find specific opportunities, your desire to contribute may well go unfulfilled.
What do I want to get out of being on this Board? Board members who plan for and ask for that they want in a Board experience will contribute more as well as gain more. If there are certain Board members you would like to connect with, take the time to get to know them and build relationships. If your goal is to meet new people, volunteer in any way that makes sense.
Last but not least, ask yourself: Do I believe in this organization enough to introduce my friends to it? Can I make a commitment to attending at least 75% of the meetings? Am I willing to give up two or more evenings a month? Am I willing to make a donation? Can I volunteer with Board members at other times than meeting dates? The right time to ask these questions is before, not after, joining a Board.
Not ready to commit to joining a Board? Considering serving on one of the organization’s committees or volunteering at an event. The volunteer form can be found on the page above.
Thank you!