Why should you Walk the Mile?

Walk The Mile demonstrates the strength of our community in standing against violence and sexual assault. The support we contribute will help survivors across our county.

When we envision a world without violence, we begin to build a path to creating that world. Help us raise awareness about violence, support survivors, and envision a world without violence!

Register to Walk Here!


All registered walkers will receive a T-Shirt for the event!

Single Walker is $35

Team of Four is $125

White post card with details of the event Walk the Mile Because HERstory Counts. the Event takes place October 24th 2024 from 5:00-6:30 pm. the event takes place during week without violence. Join us to raise awareness to end violence against women and girls.

We Stand Against Violence

We Walk for Peace

Want to sponsor this event?

Sponsorship Levels


Signage placed along the route – preferential placement
Company logo featured on event T-shirt, ads, website, and social media promotion
Team of 6 registration Event Naming recognition: (ie Walk The Mile: Because Herstory Counts, presented by Company Name) and
placed on the T-Shirt



Signage placed along the route in prominent location
Company logo featured on event T-shirt, ads, website, and social media promotion
Team of 6 Registration



Signage placed along the route in prominent location
Company logo featured on event T-shirt, ads, website, and social media promotion
Team of 4 Registration



Signage placed along the route in prominent location
Company logo featured on event T-shirt, ads, website, and social media promotion
Team of 2 Registration



Signage placed along the route in prominent location
Company logo featured on event T-shirt, ads, website, and social media promotion
Registration for 1 person



Refreshment Sponsor:

Company logo featured on event material
Recognition on event website and social media
Team of 2 Registration
Signage at refreshment stand at end of the walk


Finish Line Sponsor:

Company logo featured on event material
Recognition on event website and social media
Team of 2 Registration
Signage at finish line
Sponsorship covers cost of finish line signage and materials


Water Sponsor:

Company logo featured on event material
Recognition on event website and social media
Team of 2 registration
Logo on waters handed out during the event
Signage at every water station

For more information contact Jannette Haven Email Jannette

Register and pay your sponsorship!

What is Week Without Violence?

Week Without Violence is part of a global movement with YWCAs across the country and around the world to end violence against women and girls. At YWCA, we know that not all violence is acknowledged or responded to equally and that some victims go unrecognized altogether. That’s why, for more than 20 years, YWCA has set aside the third week in October as a Week Without Violence.

Join us this October for Week Without Violence: October 21st – 25th.

Learn More!

Help us stand against violence by joining our peace walk during Week Without Violence and show your support for those affected by violence in our community.